WSIB Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Liability
The firm deals with a great number of work related injuries on regular basis. These cases are deemed important due to their effect on the way people earn a living, either as an employer or injured worker. The firm has developed a comprehensive program for both the employer and the employee in Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) injury case management. Our firm represents employers and injured workers at tribunals. We negotiate for clients through mediation or arbitration, file WSIB claims, and educate businesses on how to effectively and efficiently manage WSIB claims. Finally, through our expertise with WSIB regulations, we can help employers set up a ‘Safe and Healthy Workplace’ environment program, and assign appropriate tasks to injured workers to reduce the costs of WSIB premiums and prevent further injuries to the injured worker. The following information is general information only and should not be construed as comprehensive, complete, or as a substitute for legal advice. Please contact a legal professional for a consultation to be aware of your complete legal rights and obligations.
Who is eligible for WSIB benefits?
an applicant must have a worker-employer relationship with an employer covered by the WSIB;
an applicant must have an injury or illness directly related to their work;
an applicant must promptly file a claim with WSIB; and,
finally, the applicant must provide all relevant information requested by WSIB to help determine benefits.
What forms of compensation does WSIB offer? Workplace insurance entitles an applicant to a range of benefits. Most applicants are only familiar with the replacement of earnings lost while disabled by workplace illness or injury (benefit for loss of earnings), but a number of other WSIB benefits and programs are available as well.
The WSIB offers the following benefits and programs:
Benefit for Loss of Earnings (LOE)
Benefit for Non-Economic Loss (NEL)
Loss of Retirement Income (LRI) Benefit
Benefit for Future Economic Loss (FEL)
Health Care Benefits
Health Care Equipment and Supplies
The Occupational Disease and Survivor Benefits Program