Traffic tickets are the most common type of legal violations that Ontarian’s face. An individual may want to consider fighting a traffic ticket due to the serious consequences that will result upon conviction. The penalties for traffic offences can include fines, demerit points, license suspension, and even imprisonment. If convicted of a traffic offence, a client´s insurance premiums will likely increase. Our firm is enormously experienced in fighting any type of traffic ticket and at the very least will get penalties reduced. The following information is general information only and should not be construed as comprehensive, complete, or as a substitute for legal advice. Please contact a legal professional for a consultation to be aware of your complete legal rights and obligations.
Provincial offence notices are the most common type of traffic ticket. Clients have three possible options with provincial offence notices.
A client can sign the ticket and plead guilty to the charge.
Client can plead guilty with an explanation.
Client can dispute the charge by choosing the trial option. Our firm can help you deal with this dispute and attend the hearing in court on your behalf.