We understand that the Privacy Act and privacy rights are not common knowledge to the average Ontarian. Therefore, our firm has adopted a range of services that will help us evaluate, draft, and submit claims and complaints on behalf of our clients to the Privacy Commission of Canada.
The following information is general information only and should not be construed as comprehensive, complete, or as a substitute for legal advice. Please contact a legal professional for a consultation to be fully aware of your legal rights and obligations.
PIPEDA gives you certain rights:The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) sets ground rules for how organizations may collect, use, or disclose your personal information during commercial activities. You have the right to:
Know why an organization collects, uses, or discloses your personal information;
Expect an organization to collect, use, or disclose your personal information reasonably and appropriately, and not use the information for any purpose other than that to which you have consented;
Know who in the organization is responsible for protecting your personal information;
Expect an organization to protect your personal information by taking appropriate security measures;
Expect the personal information an organization holds about you to be as accurate, complete, and up-to-date as necessary for the purposes for which the information will be used;
Obtain access to your personal information and ask for corrections if necessary; and
Complain about how an organization handles your personal information if you feel your privacy rights have not been respected.