access legal services professional legal services gta greater toronto area professional legal services

Loans between friends, family, and businesses are some of the most common financial transactions outside of financial institutions. Unlike financial institution loans, these personal loans cannot be sent to a collection agency, and collection of these loans demands direct action in court.
Our firm can assist clients to recover such loans in court. We offer our extensive negotiation skills to help settle the claim out of court as well. Similarly, if you have been negatively affected by co-signing or guaranteeing a loan, we will also help you take legal steps to remedy such a situation.
Please contact us for more information.

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access legal services professional legal services gta greater toronto area professional legal services


1110 Finch Ave. West Suite 614
Toronto, Ontario
M3J 2T2
Phone : (416) 733-8880
Fax : (416) 946-1112